A New Kind Of Freedom questions 1 and 2

What convinced Johann to go to America:

The land in America that he and his family will get

How did he feel about the decision later:

He felt happy and very good.

Mollys dream questions 1 and 2

Molly had a few dreams in the story such as to meet up with her family after her contract is up, to be like Mrs. Simmons except for in stead of living on top of the shop she wants to have a house with a pound and geese and ducks.


In order for Molly to meet up with her family again, and for her to be like Mrs. Simmons, she needs to respect and listen to Mrs. Simmons, and if she works succesfuly for the rest of the contract time she will get money for a house with a pond.


Back in the old days and even now a lot of people move to a place such as the US. The immigrants that came to the United States came mostly came from Great Britain. Now a days they come from all over, but some of the immigrants are not legal so they can't go to the US. What I mean by that is that some of them show up without a passport or papers. Some of the reasons the immigrants did and still come to the US is because they like the free religion. Meaning where they came from probably had some strict laws about your religion. The people called immigrants means that they have moved to the US or their family has. If you are not an immigrant your whole family either came from native Americans or from some where in what is now Hawaii.

Those are also some reasons that people move!!

1. Essential Questions

Why Do People move???

Well in my opinion these days people move because of their mom or dads job. For an example I moved to Hong Kong because my dad got a job here. In order to keep or get a house protect you or you and your family, one of the adults would have to have a job to keep there house to pay taxes and other important needs such as food, drinks, education, and clothing. Sometimes when you move to a different country you also need to learn the local language. Even some parents take classes. But of course in order to get all of these things you need to have a job that pays you money that will help your family. So i think the main reason people move is because of their job and the reason they take is because they are probably getting paid more there and it might be a good experience for their kids.

What happens when people, speak act and think differently ????

From my experience and background I would say one of the hardest things about moving is that the place you moving to is a different country that speaks i different language. Such as moving to Hong Kong. When I lived in the US all ,or at least almost all, people spoke English. Now that I am in Hong Kong all the people except for school speak Chinese. So now in school I am learning Chinese and some of my friends have tought me some Cantonese like our address for taxi drivers. I think some of the reasons people think different in different places all over the world is their language and also their culture/ belief. Another reason they might think or act different is where they are living. For an example in the US it is not nice to point at people, but in China no one really cares.

Those are the reasons I think people speak, act and think differently!